I girl. I grow the girl haphazard hybrid; SheThinksMeSerious; HePeePee thinks rape
There Pleasures on Ear lobes& brainlobes that in a NeverDay SomeDay passing bloodriver YoniSpring from DownThere gushes b'low the wild whitened Jungle in TannerFive alively scaled but Not2BeImpaled ManMember`edly into Perpetuity, as NoMan'sLand BetwixtLegs inputtings HEXED for which HePeePeeSplinter not e'er me enter. I girl. I grow the girl haphazard hybrid; SheThinksMeSerious; HePeePee thinks rape; my shape belies His FutileTries; NoWayNoWayNoWay Rape 2Day GetGetGet theH away!!! Happily see me in rings earrings girlthings singing Hallelujah Joe Hovah's fired&flunked He'en's not desired OR ANYMAN'S 'MAGINED JUNK. . . MOTHER MUD! BUT TO BLEED YOU I NEED MONTHLY AND BEAR bossomed BELLE INDEED BABY as Her birthings bring. . . As queer this year Stranger Things have happened haply BABY UNmenopaused BECAUSE w MomNature RedInTooth&Claw I woman shun my man best I can.