A little black birdie in the CrowdWintering I thought I overheard She gleaning Darwinian Meaning, mean the Sprites who abound in the cacophonic twittersound of CorpseCornfields
not as Fancy is not as Fancy does;
my Love, AllOfYou that's must be
minded too invisibly. I need to nurse the DeadRomances
conjured as LessonsSouled as soldout. A little black birdie
in the CrowdWintering I thought I overheard She gleaning
Darwinian Meaning: mean-the-Sprites who abound
in the cacophonic twittersound of CorpseKornfields. . .
So: yielding gelding Thanksgivings to Byrds starving as I now
unwomaned womanizing whom EarthMother cravingcorpse
of Loverbuoy drowning in KoldKentuckyRain
that kills m'Brain (as if there was neurology in necrology!!!!!!!)
Me murdered first as LoverFirst must so Kornfield be
feast for BlackBirdBunch ghostly
till the muds green; by then the me unseen
wants neither funeral nor betterburial.
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