The peace I seek, Muhammad Ali, would stop my boxing Hers, how do we facing fate death demise make Pax Aeternis for Hers?


When I see the homeless women, the camping women on the streets, who too often look find cling to a man who-- presumably-- will protect them from the many risks of outdoor-living, THEN I forget all the ordeal of my own mostly-outdoor homelessness, with anewed yen to try to find a comfort for these deemable 'waifs,' who in various ways sell what they think they have for PROTECTION. . .

These girls (if I may speak of grown and less-grown fems in a tenderly diminutive way) do not deserve WHAT I GOT ON THE STREETS-NO-PLACE-MINE; I must do something, what what what something might I do?

I have a Place now, Dosker Manor on the street in LouisvilleKY celebrating Muhammad Ali; Salaam Muhammad Ali ?what way pacific might we come to aid?-- not from a chivalry implying winning Hers for keeps-- but for a friendship freeing her from want fear? O Muhammad! we were born and borne with a testosterone I hate, a juice that perps much violence war upheaval property-dispute, of which blessedly the Wombed have been 'juiced' the-less. . . The peace I seek, Muhammad Ali, would stop my boxing Hers, how do we facing fate death demise make Pax Aeternis for Hers?, questioning I say because my (always inadvertent) boxing with-her indeed for-her MUST YIELD as to me seems inexorable for what re this Wombed planet?

I am told that the woman in the pic above, a Louisville KY woman, bears the name Robin. I will do my best for you, Robin. . . my own suffering in homelessness taught me so much that for your case and all your cases I CAN WITH CAREFUL AND CAREGIVING ABET YOUR LIFE LIBERTY HAPPINESS!!!


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