Essai sur le don, essay the gift I gave Not@MensRea


Essai sur le don, essay the gift I gave Not@MensRea, Dea Mea
Dare I ask? Dare You Dare Tell Me Why 911
Solves a NonExistent Stalk on Gift for Thanx Given at anyday Thanksgiving
and awhile after You think, FallenAngel, MerdeManitou, O lemme git'm on Rape2
and watch him squirm as TossTossToss as ScarletVomit'sTossed his life Throwaway his Pump
. . .watch the bloodsump!!! JOY TO THE WORLD!!! But no Joy to me
watching You giggle priggle and me life-away in Penitentiary.
Woman=Angel=Nymph=Sprite and betimes Demon so
this lessoned me that for WhatTheH and just4spite What
incincerates eviscerates desecrates the WorshipperContrite.
Now Not@
wont I to give the bloodypump by which inwhich I live 
NotThySurgicalSadisticalShiv. . .
Your Eyes perchance greet metely, WombedOne, suffice
O Sufficience O Satisfice.
My Eyes that GreetYouGoddesses
Not@ TheTrap The Clap The Slap WhoseOccasional&CunningDevice
For NotWhorePrice, My Blood, My Life
just for my Try 2B nice.


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