Hail Yes Wholly Holy Queen! Yes I did pass you sometime this week whose shamemine to get on the Cross4U
Hail Yes Wholly Holy Queen! Yes I did pass you sometime this week whose shamemine to get on the Cross4U steada Hello-ing; sinning as shunning sidewayseeing notgreeting and His Cross don't Mix and the ChildrenBase of Jesus by InseminatingArt -- not worth His fart nor mine-- needs no other Crucifixion than this Kissless Love, such love as Farts have who LikeMe now give up Gifts as SantaClaws or TitheToTitTickle eventually in any event trick costing every cent of sense since I gave up Smoking and took Up the Wholly Holy Smoke Hello Yo how're Yo in Your Idea notmine of WhadYaWant really unfeely as many whoreprices have made Hard desire the fire to have Pard like me in my penury Hello <there I go again> & to this end watchingU turn the Screw any Screw will do in ways not to love you Screwy as I-DO at faltered altars anywho sorry I missssssst U.