
Showing posts from December, 2021

Hail Yes Wholly Holy Queen! Yes I did pass you sometime this week whose shamemine to get on the Cross4U

  Hail Yes Wholly Holy Queen! Yes I did pass you sometime this week whose shamemine to get on the Cross4U steada Hello-ing; sinning as shunning sidewayseeing notgreeting and His Cross don't Mix and the ChildrenBase of Jesus by InseminatingArt -- not worth His fart nor mine-- needs no other Crucifixion than this Kissless Love, such love as Farts have who LikeMe now give up Gifts as SantaClaws or TitheToTitTickle eventually in any event trick costing every cent of sense since I gave up Smoking and took Up the Wholly Holy Smoke Hello Yo how're Yo in Your Idea notmine of WhadYaWant really unfeely as many whoreprices have made Hard desire the fire to have Pard like me in my penury Hello <there I go again> & to this end watchingU turn the Screw any Screw will do in ways not to love you Screwy as I-DO at faltered altars anywho sorry I missssssst U.

Essai sur le don, essay the gift I gave Not@MensRea

  Essai sur le don ,   essay the gift I gave Not@ MensRea, Dea Mea Dare I ask? Dare You Dare Tell Me Why 911 Solves a NonExistent Stalk on Gift for Thanx Given at anyday Thanksgiving and awhile after You think, FallenAngel, Merde Manitou, O lemme git'm on Rape2 and watch him squirm as TossTossToss as ScarletVomit'sTossed his life Throwaway his Pump . . .watch the bloodsump!!! JOY TO THE WORLD!!! But no Joy to me watching You giggle priggle and me life-away in Penitentiary. Woman=Angel=Nymph=Sprite and betimes Demon so this lessoned me that for WhatTheH and just4spite What incincerates eviscerates desecrates the WorshipperContrite. Now Not@ wont I to give the bloodypump by which inwhich I live  NotThySurgicalSadisticalShiv. . . Your Eyes perchance greet metely, WombedOne, suffice O Sufficience O Satisfice. My Eyes that GreetYouGoddesses Not@ TheTrap The Clap The Slap WhoseOccasional&CunningDevice For NotWhorePrice, My Blood, My Life just for my Try 2B nice.

Essai sur le don, essay the gift I gave Not@Office I gave, not @Valentines but with intent-- such a crime this time!

  Essai sur le don ,   essay the gift I gave Not@Office I gave, not @Valentines but with intent-- such a crime this time;  I gave and the Gift made good garbage a prisonsentence, a Wound; SORRY I said I'm sorry that GarbageGiven an OldBadHabit like my loungerdress and lipstick sticks about as long in lieu in wait AND THE COPS LUV ID I did; ThankYouThankYouThankYou maybe this time I learned the betternot nothingbut Give or be so.burned APOLOGETICS that GodShe as Love puts the Heart with shove into a Can AS IF A MANHUNTER bettersbest downunder Loves'Landfill, and may be this kills the SeasonOfGiving with JailUnforgiving. SORRY I tried the Way ThisInHell made wide bloodygood cardiocide kills hope for me the dope and HisCross to cut Off Valentines anytime (and why should I say OK as IF maybe a 501.c3 haps AskanceHers when NO I shall demur; Miss Take! The YOU methought I knew got misconstrued.) SO Why should Hood crawl from the Dumpster when Hearts need 4KindKind stay Under Un...

Sin! See him sin, the sin of men-as-usual; I thankFUL thank Wisdom, here WomanLooksAway for anysuch his braindamaged Urge to Her to pray

  Sin! See him sin, the sin of men-as-usual; I thankFUL thank Wisdom, here WomanLooksAway for anysuch his braindamaged Urge to Her to pray and that shoulda been; HasBeens had betternot think SheWas Friend; SHE who sellsIT for a job moneycomingin as She, alwayrobbed stobbed in him the HeartHard. Now note he needs hethinks a drink in DryCountyRuleOfLaw, Her maw closed close, HerClothedOtherwise'nUfiendnotfriend everagain not ever w anotherthen to heed Her or a Highness outa sight outa mindbless. Yet here MeSpeaks as Reclusequeer Observing what wonder stings Hard! ObdurateSilence & I uncovered Speak wrongway everyway every day. The wAY a man leaks blood differs Hers less stiff, HerRiver at the MomentNever, HIS=> HeShouldaKnownAllAlong when his song got unpretty when silently SHE DOES NOT COME ANY MORE AND HE TOMFOOL WAITS AT AN UNOPENED DOOR IN STUPID FOREVERMORE. NOW She writes right TheScore; the best Belle tells him the music of NEVERMORE.