GoatSong, yes Tragedy=> hE so came out, hose attached, and botched. The yen to go back in There TheCave that is. . .

 GoatSong, yes Tragedy=> hE so came out, hose attached,
and botched. The yen to go back in There
TheCave that is, needed a Plan B: Mother such murder bing man
bing in the can a standee 4peepee, mine ownself (now I let out it's mE)

in a Sabbath of Decades, sissy, and now hE sits. Lipstick thick on lips
& scarletfingertipped see mE stand before the Mirror mirroring
O Tits like the Miss beloved, all of Em (the Way they talk&weep&gossip
tells a Woman; harmonics Holy and above tenortimbre

and I becum Member be.have
O Yes the Echo from Caves down there Theirs
direct me toward away from menshorde

into Hers Grotto-Lair. I care,
O Mere de Terre

In this RoomSunlitMorrow of no sorrow
I be sissy beyond the SacredCave
for Womb I rave. . . i sacrifice my gOAT and gloat

the mAN departsme; downsitting i pee 4U unto eternity.


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